Organized by

With the support of


All interventions will be translated in advance into English or French according to the initial language: participants will receive a summary in their own language (the booklet distributed back there is accessible here, by clicking on the icon ; same about the contributions here under).

Each intervention includes a questions and answers period in both languages.

Thursday May the 30th, 2019

Friday May the 31st, 2019

7:30 AM


Morning warm-up

– David Fernandez Juan

8:00 AM

9:00 AM


– Aurore Compère & Philippe Compère

The key question of the seminar – what is it to be an hebertist in 2019? – entitles to all contemporary issues related to a physical education practice such as ours. From the proposals received and the philosophical discussions held in the framework of the instructor trainings, we have listed the following issues :

  • Can one be hebertist by practicing only the MN (without taking into account the 5 other aspects of hebertism)?
  • Do you have to practice all 10 families of exercises to be an hebertist?
  • Should an hebertist instructor to be paid or be volunteer?
  • Should MN be practiced only outdoors?
  • Is it recommended for a center to be attached to an hebertist federation?
  • Can one be an hebertist without being eco-friendly?
  • Can one be an hebertist if you are xenophobic or racist?
  • Can one be an hebertist without being a feminist?
  • Can one be hebertist while being homo- or transphobic?
  • Should handicapped people be welcomed in hebertist centers?
  • Should an hebertist of the 21st century still “be strong enough to be useful”?
  • How can we be “useful” as hebertist today?
Future interventions will help refine our thinking . You will be free to participate : panels with these questions will be displayed during the seminar for you to freely put your own answer on the question(s) you desire. An online form will also be available during the seminar for those who have not been able to join us.

9:15 AM

Méthode naturelle et écologie corporelle

– Christian Beugnier & Pierre Philippe-Meden
From Thoreau to Beugnier, via Kipling, our intervention returns to the epistemological foundations of bodily ecology in Hebertism. While the motto of Hebertism is frequently quoted: “Be strong to be useful (…)”, it seems that there are few really deep thoughts on his physical morality in the face of the Anthropocene catastrophe. Georges Hébert’s work is that of a fighting officer, prescribing action, adaptation and altruism in the face of danger. Although pessimistic visions consider that it is too late, for seventy years already, to solve the global ecological crisis, what posture does the hebertist adopt? What ecological consciousness as of today? What bodily ecology for tomorrow in hebertism? How to be strong to be useful in the face of global warming and massive extinction of biodiversity? To provide both practical and theoretical elements of discussion, our intervention will be divided into three parts. After having returned to the historical foundations of ecology in Hebertism, notably by the thought of Louis Fabulet (1862-1933) – Hebertist and translator in French of Walden (Thoreau, 1854) and Mowgli (Kipling, 1894)-, justified by the testimony of Christian Beugnier, an exercise will be submitted to the participants.

10:30 AM

10:45 AM

A new understanding of the term of strength

– Sven Schuh
We are facing fast and deep changes in our societies. Today people all over Europe have to deal more and more with stressful developments, such as getting high education, to prevail over competitors in the free market, to consume the goods, we produce every day, and to compensate our consumptions with various fitness- and health-concepts. Digitalisation is taking a big part in our lives and especially the next generation is confronted with a multiverse of realities. Somehow this can be summarized with a gradual loss of our autonomy. What does this mean in detail? And how can Hebertism find it´s place in todays demands? Therefor we have to take a closer look on the term of the word “strength”. How should it be defined today? What aspects should the term of “strength” include today? And how can our perception of strength be developed in such a high density of concurring ideas of strength and health? In this workshop we will briefly introduce our educational approach empowering people to develop their individual autonomy. But we especially want to inspire the participants of this workshop to find their own approach in encouraging people to become strong and to develop their autonomy.

12:00 AM

1:30 PM

The Mat and the Flag

– Pierre Hébert

Hebertism is a philosophy of life. Its cornerstone, MN, is based on the principle of respecting the natural laws of the human being in order to allow everyone to achieve optimal physical development. If the principle is unalterable, its implementation is not a shackle. His doctrine, far from confining, is the backbone that supports the whole and which is the specificity of the MN. And this, for a specific purpose: to allow man to live in the fullness of his means. It is necessary to distinguish the doctrine, the pedagogy and the implementation as well as, for each level, the language or the communication related to it. Because asking the question “What is it to be an hebertist in 2019?” supposes, pre-supposes that the answer could or had to evolve for 20, 30 or 50 years. The question then is to know how …

THE DOCTRINE: the principle founding the MN – the use of gestures that are those of our species – are not to be questioned.

PEDAGOGY: it has its main guiding principles, and as G. Hébert has written, is subject to adaptations that we may discuss about.

IMPLEMENTATION: it is open to (almost) any possible path as long as the above criteria are observed.

By comparison, a theatrical work is an entity in itself and is not subject to change. His staging may be subject to adaptations that will however respect the spirit of the piece. And the sceneries will vary according to the creativity…

2:45 PM

Gimnasia Natural : from Hebertism to future

– David Fernandez Juan
Gimnasia Natural was conciebed from the learnings of studying and experiencing different disciplines, being Hebertism one of its more important sources. We want to show how we introduce the hebertist exercises and values not only in our daily trainings for children, teens and adults but also in other activities and projects. We will also explain the different applications that Method Gimnasia Natural has in realms such as health, special needs kids and teens, education, social services, rehab therapies or Public Security (police, firemen). We understand Gimnasia Natural and its applications as the natural evolution and an update of what Method Naturelle can offer and teach to everyone.

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

A feminist hebertism ?

– Suzanne Collard, Aurore Compère, Dominique Compère-Demelenne & Thérèse Draye

Starting from a reading workshop of historical texts, we will first examine Hébert’s position in the society of his time concerning the place of women in sport. This first step will allow us to go into current questions around gender issues and the horizons they suggest for the evolution of our practice.

6:15 PM

8:30 PM

Historical movie session

– Pierre Philippe-Meden

Projection of archive films on G. Hébert and Hebertism. Presentations and comments by Pierre Philippe-Meden.

7:30 AM


Morning warm-up

– Sven Schuh

8:00 AM

9:00 AM


– Jacques & Pierre Hébert

Jacques and Pierre Hébert will briefly explain the position of Georges Hébert’s heirs on the eventual foundation of an international Hebertist organization.

9:30 AM

A Claie for the future

– Chiara Tassinari
How can Hebertism educate the new generation for the XXI Century? Starting from real experiences in Italian Scouts Camps, based on Hebertism, it is clear how, throught M.N., teenagers can self-educate and prepare themself to face new challenges. Being Hebertist in 2019 means pushing ourself and the teens to be ready to any possible world future change. A new school of thought about Education is based on 4 dimension: Knowledge, Skills, Character, Meta-Learning. This perfectly fits with Hebertism. In particular, Claie is an equipment that summarize the entire MN worth, involving every aspect of human being development and with whom is possible to experience a Four-dimensional Education.

10:45 AM

11:00 AM

Scope and development perspective

– Audry Huguet du Lorin

Presentation of the experience in Orléans:

  • Partnerships in place
  • Development project
  • Short term needs

11:20 AM

How Parkour did lead us to MN

– Nadja Hahn
Our center of Munich is heavily influenced by parkour. This will be an occasion to tell a bit about our center, with pictures. 

11:40 AM

A hebert center in the heart of Nantes

– Corinne Clouet
Generations of hebertists made the CHNantes, still adapting itself to the changes in time and society. The stadium, its obstacles, the members … Overview on our practice.

12:00 AM

1:30 PM

Games & Fighting

– Diego Zarantonello
In Italy, hebertism has a great history linked to scouting. Over the years, we developed a particular style of hebertism with its highest peak in gaming. During our researches, we built a huge catalog of group games covering all the 10 families of exercises. A special place must be given to the fighting family, because it is the older instinctual game we used to play as human in the nature. How can hebertism be practiced just with a special games session ? Come and find out !

2:45 PM

I don't like sports !

– Jean Delandtsheer

Without seeking any objectivity, the speaker -who has never been a professional nor an instructor in sport- follows the line of his biography to develop the theme of physical education and physical activities with occasional meetings -sometimes unexpected or discovered a posteriori- with the practices coming from Georges Hébert.
It is the secondary school (between 12 and 18 years old) that was the most painful but also the most revealing of the contradictions for him, without forgetting the questions and disclosures.

Between 20 and 30, the speaker has had various experiences, some of them related to mandatory military service which has gradually reconciled him to some sports. Little by little, he has acquired a fairly broad experience that does not make him a sportsman but allows him to be “a bummer nowhere”. Current developments are pulled between the awareness of the importance of physical activity for mental and physical health on one hand, and the intrusion of money in too many areas related to sport, with less consistent effects with well-being on the other hand.

3:25 PM

Emulation !

– Dominique Compère-Demelenne

Despite the radical distinction he made between sport and physical education, and his early denunciation of the abuses of competitive sport, G. Hébert set up an entire system of evaluation in order to equip the instructors and the practitioners with benchmarks to their physical progression.

The “achievements” are a valuable tool in this respect. The healthy emulation that makes you want to outdo oneself can also come from the organization of more sporting activities such as timed parcours or Ball-Barr tournaments.

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

Synthesis of the panels

The seminar is coming to an end. It is time to come back to the panels to see what you have shared with us. Splitted in different groups, you will have the opportunity to take a panel and summarize it. One reporter per group will present the summary to the audience.

6:00 PM

7:30 PM

Final debate

A philosophical and democratic discussion, in two groups (depending on the language of the discussion: French or English), will take place to try to give a definitive – but necessarily temporary – answer to the key question of the seminar: what is to be Hebertist in 2019?

After debating in each group according to the language, a short feedback will be done all together to allow us to synthesize both discussions. 



Christian BEUGNIER

Sport’nat® “Gymnat” Thuin

Son of Marcel BEUGNIER, one of the founders of the Belgian federation of Hebertism.  Instructor in MN since more than 50 years. (Past) president of Sport’nat® Belgium for 25 years. Current president of FBHY.

Corrine CLOUET

Centre Hébertiste Nantais

Already 36 years that I practice the hebertism, that I discovered by my friend Geneviève, current President of CH Nantes.
It is with enthusiasm and pleasure that I lead our outdoor sessions, regardless of the public – children and/or adults.
I never miss an opportunity to promote our activity 🙂



Sport’nat® Val d’Heure

I am practicing hebertism for 18 years at the Center Hebert Val d’Heure. Since my arrival or almost, I also was the treasurer. A few years later, in 2005, I became a certified instructor by ADEPS. I was elected president of my center a year ago.

I am an instructor trainer and I was elected co-president of Sport’nat® Belgium at the same time as Philippe, in October 2017.


Sport’nat® Esneux & RCAE

Daughter and granddaughter of hebertists, I became a federal instructor in 2012, and have since worked on redesigning the training system for sports executives for Sport’nat® Belgium while completing my own course. Enchanted by computer graphics and web management, I take care of many of the Internet sites of the federation. I also plead guilty on multiple drawings, photos and digital or physical publications. The beautiful international dynamic that unfolds in recent years enchants me and this is why I organize from time to time a camp or Hebertist seminar …



Sport’nat® Esneux

I fell into the pot when I was little, my father being a fan of Hebertism and a pioneer of MN in Belgium – He used to be instructor in Africa, trainer at the scouts and founder of the Hebert Center of Esneux. I trained all my youth, taking part in the courses of Pierre Barron and all the challenges organized at the time before becoming a trainer and trainer instructors in my turn.

Philippe COMPÈRE

Sport’nat® Esneux

More than 35 years of practice of MN, Sport’nat® instructor since 20 years, and current co-president of Sport’nat® Belgium. While marrying Dominique, I married with Hebertism at the same time… 



Sport’nat® AHEB

2015 pensioner of his work
2005 received as Level 1 Hebertism Monitor
1995 beginning of Hebertism as a practitioner
1983 became Liégeois to avoid daily AR from Brussels
1978-1979 compulsory military service
1977 graduated industrial engineer in construction (BTP) at the ISIB
1954 birth ..
I am not “performant” on the physical level especially for that which requires flexibility or explosiveness.
My motto: “We have the right to do better than the monitor, especially when the monitor is me”.
I have a great understanding for people with reduced physical abilities, whether it is by old age or on the contrary by a lack of psychomotor maturity or by a lack of experience or an handicap.

Thérèse DRAYE

Sport’nat® Val d’Heure

I was President of the Val d’Heure Center for 33 years before passing it to Suzanne last year. I am a professor of physical education – now retired for two years -, a trainer since 1989, trainer of instructors and head of the Training Commission of Sport’nat® Belgium.

Équilibre sur le parcours Hébert d'Asse


Gymnasia Natural Alicante

I heard “natural gym” for the very first time studying Pestalozzi at uni. After uni, I started to develop my own training method and in 2012 I trained myself on Hebert’s MN, which I incorporated to my method, Gimnasia Natural, and included it as the foundation of this.

Currently, our work is focused on documenting and communicating all the applications of  Gimnasia Natural: we give academic training to Ph.E. teachers, social educators, physiotherapists, we deliver training workshops for different realms, we counsel public organisations on designing parcours, we lead projects with a range of public entities and we have weekly training groups. 

Nadja HAHN

Munich Tracers



Association Georges Hébert

Grandson of Georges Hébert, son of Régis Hébert, I fell into it from the cradle. I used to be monitor in Hebert Centers for 15 years. I am currently President of the Georges Hébert Association.


Jacques HÉBERT

Association Georges Hébert

Grandson of Georges Hébert, oldest son of Régis Hébert, I fell into it from the cradle…



Centre Hébertiste d’Orléans
2017/2018: Educator training day at the Foundation for the School.
2015/2016/2017: Direction of the T.P. license STAPS of Orleans: MN Refoundation of the Hebertist Center of Orleans,
2008 Experimentation of the Natural Method in college ZEP<
2004/2010 Foundation of a free group in Orléans
2004 BEES 2 ° taekwondo and DA (high level / training)
2000 Bi-admissible aggregation Monitorat first aid Lifeguard lifeguard (option: lifeguard trainer)
1993 Monitorat EPMS 1st Marine Infantry Regiment
1994 Professor of Physical Education and Sports
1993 DEUG LICENSE MASTER STAPS – IFEPSA – Angers 1989/1993


Université Paris 8 / MSH-Paris Nord

Pierre Philippe-Meden is a doctor (PhD) in aesthetics, science and technology of the arts. His research focuses on the issues of body ecology in the history of physical education, sports and performing arts.

Pierre Philippe-Meden


Outdoor Oberberg

Having started in 2013 with my first MN trainings on my own, I have received a real boost in the SET 1 meeting in 2015. In 2016 I joined the whole SIP Camp 1 with an enlightening trip through all MN-Centers in Belgium. Since then I had introduced MN in the daily work of our educational non-profit-organisation and am practising it personally and with my family still with joy, sharing it with hundreds of people every year in my work.


Forlì (Fc) – Spettine (PC)

I first met hebertism when I was 11 y/o in a Scouts Camp in Italy. It has been love at first sight. Then, I’ve never stopped training.
As I was a gymnastic coach for 10 years, I also experienced hebertism as a trainer inside Scouts Camp and Scouts Workshop for teenager and adults.
I’m still doing at least 4/5 workshop per year.
I started collecting Hebert’s books and studyingi his educative method in depth about 12 years ago and I’m particularly interestead in educative method for school system by MN.


AGESCI (scout association) – ETREFORT (my sport association)

I discovered hebertism for the first time in 1999 in my scout group. In the summer of 2002 I took part to a 5 days hebertism camp in Costigiola, the scout center where since 2008 I lead a lot of hebertism workshop and camp for boys and adults during the year. Meanwhile I studied all Hébert books, I took part to the first SEP and I trained in almost all the Belgium Hébert Centers in an 8 day trip with international friends… and some more thing could be add !

The place to be

Centre ADEPS La Fraineuse

Avenue Amédée Hesse, 41A
4900 Spa Belgium

Train : Spa
Bus : Spa Fraineuse

Website : ADEPS

In short

The SeMeNEP is a two-days seminar aimed at finding an answer to the question « What does being Hebertist mean in 2019 ? ». Without trying to lock up each other in a doctrinal straitjacket that would impoverish our practices, we will try to reach a “lowest common denominator” that allows us to state clearly who we are, while leaving us free to experiment and to help improving the method, as G. Hébert wished it himself.