Sport’nat International Practical Camps

SIP Camp 3 : well earned summer break.

As soon as the 70th anniversary of Sport’nat® is over, it’s towards the second big event of this summer that all the energy is focused, the 3rd edition of SIP Camp. This camp took place from 28/7 to 5/8 in Faucon (South of France), at the foot of Mont Ventoux, under a blazing sun but in the good mood and enthusiasm of the 12 participants (1/4 more than last year […]

SIP Camp 1 : Belgian clubs tour

In May of 2016, the first SIP Camp were born : we spend seven days traveling from one hebertist center to another, visiting all the Belgian centers. Ten to see, fourteen half-days.  Not everyone stayed the full week. But it makes fifteen persons, coming from Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Croatia and Netherlands, who discovered how hebertism was practiced in Belgium. Day 1 : 1st May, arriving and visiting Asse’s club. […]

SIP Camp 2 : exploration and… vacation.

[To be translated] Le SIP Camp 2, cette semaine formidable durant laquelle nous avons vécu au rythme de la Provence et de l’hébertisme, est déjà un souvenir pétillant dans nos esprits. Le programme était chargé, diversifié, et chacun•e en a eu pour son compte, avec même quelques premières mémorables pour certain•e•s. Installé•e•s sur le terrain de “la Palestra”, maison de vacances de Bernadette et Charles Demelenne, nous avons commencé par […]


The place to be : La Fraineuse

Avenue Amédée Hesse, 41A

4900 Spa