Pushed on the back by Italian and German people that came to visit Belgian hebertists centers in 2012, 2013 and then took part to the 40th birthday of the Hebertist center of Esneux – newly renamed Sport’nat Esneux – celebrated in 2014, the Belgian hebertists set up a weekend of training in English, for all and foreigners avid to become instructors in the Natural Method.
This weekend had for name : SET 1, Sport’nat European Training 1 – supposing there would be other ulterior editions. We lived three days in La Gervava, near Theux, in Belgium, building up a new world :

Trois jours employés à se former, souvent mutuellement, à partager nos expériences et nos techniques, à découvrir les pratiques des uns et des autres, le tout entrecoupé de sessions théoriques dispensées en anglais par les formateur·trice·s de Sport’nat Belgique.