FauCamp 2022 – Faucon (Vaucluse) – 2-9 april of 2022

Last FauCamp was so great, we just want to go there again !

Our offer is to set up one week of internship, in Provence (South of France). The program of the week will be Hebertist in the full sense of the term : although the practice of the MN will be the essential part of the program, we will also insist on the other aspects of the philosophy of G. Hébert (DIY, cultural visits, show, music, “Short circuit”/bio/vegetarian food…).

Practical organisation

Accommodation will be organized in tents, in a comfortable and shady clearing away from the road. The kitchen, showers and dry toilets used by campers will be built and installed on Sundays upon arrival. The stewardship of the camp will be managed by the participants themselves. A turning of services will be organized.

The field around the house of Charles and Bernadette Demelenne will offer us a perfectly adapted campground, from which we will radiate in the region to find the sites that will allow us to practice MN timely. Via ferrata and climbing, wild water swimming, exploring pine forests and lavender fields, are examples of the many possibilities offered to us in the North of Vaucluse and the neighboring departments.

Travelling during the camp will be as much as possible by foot or by bicycle, but the long distance rides (till Buis-les-Baronnies, Mollans, Veaux, les Dentelles de Montmirail…) will be done with our cars.

In addition to the activities planned by the organizing team, we hope that everyone can find in this course the opportunity to feel more confortable with the method : it will give us a chance to exchange ideas and questions among us. Those who are instructors in their country may share their “good practices”, and those who do not have that role yet may feel free to try it.

Who can participate ?

The main camp activities are planned for blue, green and red levels, so from 12 to 60 years. If you have younger children, it is possible tu bring them with you, we only ask that parents take care of the children in turn : activities will be organized for them when the others will be gone on intense activities, and slower ones (walks, cultural visits, marchés…) will be done the whole group together.

How much does it cost ?

The participation for the 8 days is 400€. If you do come less time, count 58€/day. These participation fees are to be send to the BE50 3774 4948 6418 (BIC BBRUBEBB) bank account before march 15th, 2020.

 Given the impossibility of registering foreigners via our Belgian insurer, participants who are not registered at the FBHY (eg over a Sport’nat® center) will have to take out insurance in their country of origin.

How to get there ? 

Faucon being difficult to reach over public transport (buses only from/to Vaison-la-Romaine), we may pick up our eco-friendly participants at the bus in Vaison, or at their train arrival in Avignon or Orange.

Find here all the ways to come to Vaison-la-Romaine, where we can come and get you. 


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