On the sidelines of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Belgian tree climbing federation, which took place on Saturday April 29, 2023 in Waterloo to celebrate two anniversaries with one stone (the 60th anniversary of the center of Waterloo should have taken place in 2022 but the death of their president decided otherwise), a discussion was held the next morning between the various people who had come from […]
SeMeNEP 2019
Français methodenaturelle.eu Organized by With the support of Schedule All interventions will be translated in advance into English or French according to the initial language: participants will receive a summary in their own language (the booklet distributed back there is accessible here, by clicking on the icon ; same about the contributions here under). Each intervention includes a questions and answers period in both languages. Thursday May the 30th, 2019 […]
SeMeNEP 2019 : What does being Hebertist means in 2019 ?
Next May 30th & 31st, 2019, taking benefit from the 10th Anniversary of the obstacles runway of Sport’nat® Esneux celebrated on June 1st and 2nd, we invited everyone to join us of a two-days brainstorming seminar with intense reflexions. « What does being Hebertist means in 2019 ? » : This question deserved a precise and collective treatment, and can not be resolve in a snap… Referring for example to the works of […]